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How To Build Wealth In This Economy: “Rattle Snake Investing”

Unprecedented times call for unprecedented strategies…


How To Build Wealth In This Economy: “Rattle Snake Investing”

In recent years, as the greatest depression has taken hold, we’ve seen double digit wealth destruction in America.

With global economic fundamentals signaling further degradation in the system for years to come, it should be clear that we’ll continue to see debt-based asset values collapse.

So what investments are going to survive when others fail?

The answer is simple: Hard assets.

When traditional money (such as Federal Reserve Notes) becomes worthless, people will always be willing to trade for physical assets that maintain an inherent value – whether that’s food, gold, copper, or even the labor skills you’ve developed.

Marin Katusa of Casey Research, who we’ve featured regularly on this web site, and who recently warned that the bubble in asset prices is invisible to most because they are embedded deeply inside of it, has some very insightful ideas for those looking to diversify into investments that will survive when others won’t.

In addition to an extremely knowledgeable overview of the future of gold, silver and other commodities, Marin shares a wealth of actionable information. If you’ve got a child entering college, or even getting out of college with no prospects, consider some of the ideas he puts forth about how to succeed in today’s unfriendly labor market. Moreover, Marin shares his thoughts on where and how you should focus your energy as it relates to personal finance and wealth building.

Unprecedented times call for unprecedented strategies, and Marin Katusa’s got some great ideas.

Watch this interview from Future Money Trends, featuring Marin Katusa:


(Watch at Youtube)

Marin Katusa on how to position yourself for the long-term:

You just have to be patient, I call it rattlesnake investing.

You just hang out and you wait, and when the opportunity’s there, you have to snap up and grab it. And I love this market. And I don’t think we’re going to be out of the woods for another couple of years, but it’s the choices you make today that are going to position yourself for the big upswing.

Not sure what to do? Whether you’re an investor, or you’re considering building your own businesses, stick to what you know and love:

Basically, get in to something and become as knowledgeable as you can as possible. Submerse yourself into it, and take some big risks.

Get in on these things early, find the right people who you can learn from. Doesn’t mean you’re going to have success, but my story, I saw the big potential first in tungsten, then in uranium. But get out there, meet people, read, find your passion and develop that. It might not be resources for your people but it might be bio tech, it might be whatever it is, but you have to follow your passion. And I truly think that the first step if you want to become a truly successful investor, it doesn’t matter what, it could be in utilities, it could be in pharmaceuticals. You have to follow your passion, if you don’t love doing it. For example, I love going out. I’ve been involved in building copper mines. If you don’t like going out there and kicking rocks and getting out there with the miners and the geologists and the engineers and raising the money and dealing with the politicians and the social issues and the natives, and all of these aspects, you’re not going to succeed at it unless you love it, so follow your passion. That’s the one, only thing I can say is follow your passion.

There are still great opportunities out there for people looking for jobs in this dying job market  (even if you only have a high school diploma!) – you just need to know where to look:

Look, if you’re a young, aggressive, hardworking guy, and let’s just say that you don’t have an inclination towards education or the academic or the financial world, go to a copper mine, you can start making at base a hundred thousand a year driving a truck. That’s just base, that’s not including bonus.

You can read the full transcript at Future Money Trends


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Contributed by Mac Slavo of www.SHTFplan.com.

When it hits the fan, don’t say we didn’t warn you. Mac Slavo is the editor of SHTFplan.com, a resource hub for alternative news, contrarian commentary and strategies that you can take to protect yourself from the coming global paradigm shift.

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When it hits the fan, don't say we didn't warn you. Mac Slavo is the editor of SHTFplan.com, a resource hub for alternative news, contrarian commentary and strategies that you can take to protect yourself from the coming global paradigm shift.

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