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Retired Green Beret Warns: “North Korea Can Deliver A Warhead Containing An EMP Weapon Dead Center Over The Continental United States”

The public bought it. They swallowed the pill offered by the government-media complex, and in their own narcissistic hubris, discounted the efforts of a “backwards” country such as North Korea to send a nuke to the U.S.

Editor's Choice

Retired Green Beret Warns: “North Korea Can Deliver A Warhead Containing An EMP Weapon Dead Center Over The Continental United States”


Most are aware by now that North Korea has tested (successfully) another ICBM missile, and its nuclear ambitions are more concrete by the day.  The mainstream media and the Obama administration are the creators of the public’s skepticism and denial regarding North Korea’s capabilities.  The Obama administration consistently and deliberately downplayed the true strengths and capabilities of North Korea over an eight-year period.  Such a downplay was further enabled by key press conferences in which members of the U.S. military’s command structure (specifically those serving in the Pentagon) were made to parrot the administration’s denial.

By “pulling Pentagon officials out” and having them categorically deny North Korea’s capabilities, it set the tempo to create a false narrative that Obama and his minions would champion throughout the eight years.  Pentagon officials (Admirals and Four-star Generals) were periodically “rotated” into these press pools to downplay the abilities of North Korea to launch a nuclear missile against the United States.

This obfuscation, orchestrated by Obama and parroted by those general officers who were about to retire in a couple of years was a precise and deliberate weakening of the United States’ defensive stance against a nation that declared its intentions to strike her.

All the experts on the subject were marginalized and labeled either as “crackpots,” or just scoffed at with their opinions relegated to page A-14, just above a coupon for “Captain Crunch” and at the bottom of the page of the newspaper.  The public bought it.  They swallowed the pill offered by the government-media complex, and in their own narcissistic hubris, discounted the efforts of a “backwards” country such as North Korea to send a nuke to the U.S.

Not anymore.

Now the media is grudgingly, painfully admitting what cannot be hidden: North Korea has more than enough capability to hit the United States.  All of it.  The North Korean ICBM test on Friday, July 29 proves they can strike the U.S. anywhere.  Here you go:

“Looks like it pretty much can get to New York, Boston, and probably falls just short of Washington [DC].  If those numbers are correct, the missile flown on a standard trajectory, the missile would have a range of 10,400 km (6,500 miles), not taking into account the Earth’s rotation.  However, the rotation of the Earth increases the range of missiles fired eastward, depending on their direction.  It is important to keep in mind that we do not know the mass of the payload the missile carried on this test.”

David Wright, Senior Scientist, Global Security Program, Union of Concerned Scientists to CNBC

Keep this sentence in mind from the excerpt: “However, the rotation of the Earth increases the range of missiles fired eastward, depending on their direction.” 

Such proves they have at least enough “juice” to deliver a warhead containing an EMP weapon dead center over the continental United States, and can strike the U.S. anywhere.

Dr. Peter V. Pry, formerly an analyst with the CIA, and now the head of the Committee to Assess EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) Threats against the U.S., is the foremost expert on such threats and briefs Congress on them annually.  Dr. Pry has assured Congress countless times that North Korea not only has miniaturization capabilities regarding nuclear warheads, but also has that capability regarding the deployment of an EMP weapon.  I strongly urge you to read his writings and articles.

Now-retired Congressman Roscoe Bartlett (R, MD) practically hopped up and down during both the Bush Jr. and Obama administrations to try and initiate action by the government to protect the grid and infrastructure from an EMP attack.  To no avail, all his pleadings… substantiated by piles of research documents and assessments – pure evidence – fell on deaf ears, and he has since retired and withdrawn from mainstream society.  Several general officers over the past years (such as General Curtis Scapparotti, for example) went “against the grain” during the Obama years and declared that North Korea did indeed possess EMP weapons, miniaturization capabilities, and ICBM’s.  Their declarations also went unheeded.

Now, just as Obama planned it, we are “behind the power curve,” and vulnerable: North Korea has had years to prepare, in the face of mere “sanctions” or other “paper-tiger” rumblings.  Through our complacency, they have been enabled to strike the U.S.  Along with the mothballing of TARS (Tethered Aerostat Radar System), the string of radar-equipped balloons along the Gulf Coast to add about ten minutes early warning time to our missile tracking capabilities. As SHTF Plan reportedTARS was taken out in 2013, at Obama’s direction.  North Korea has two satellites in orbit that each cross over the U.S. several times daily at 300 km, the optimal height for an EMP strike.

Just as Obama planned it.

The United States, South Korea, and Japan all equally assessed the North Korean launch on July 29th with the same capabilities.  President Trump said that he would take all necessary steps to ensure the security of the U.S. and its allies.  The nations (the U.S. included) have all declared the intention of more sanctions against North Korea.  More nonsense.  These two excerpts came from a Dailymail.com article by Cheyenne Roundtree and Gareth Davis for Mailonline that are interesting, if not “amusing” (from a cynical perspective).  Here’s the first, with the main point underlined:

“[President] Donald Trump released a statement yesterday after the missile launch, saying: ‘North Korea’s test launch yesterday of another intercontinental ballistic missile – the second such test in less than a month – is only the latest reckless and dangerous action by the North Korean regime.”

Yes, there you have it from the mouth of the President of the United States, confirming it was indeed and intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), and was indeed the second one that is confirmed.  Here is the second excerpt:

“Washington and its allies have watched with growing concern as Pyongyang has made significant progress toward its goal of having all of the US within range of its missiles to counter what it labels as US aggression.  While there are hurdles, including building nuclear warheads to fit on those missiles and ensuring reliability, many analysts have been surprised by how quickly Kim Jong-Un has developed North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs.

Well, along with interesting and amusing, let’s add infuriating to the list to describe these words from the excerpt:

“Many analysts have been surprised.”

“Significant progress toward its goal”

Do you think those analysts will be surprised when, suddenly, all the lights and air conditioning in their offices go out and they’re in the dark on the 30th floor?  Or if not that, perhaps they’ll be surprised when they look out of their windows and see a nice blinding flash of light and a mushroom cloud?  Do you think either an EMP and/or a mushroom cloud over what was once an American city will prove that North Korea has made significant progress toward its goal?

Sometimes valuable information comes from sources that might normally never see the light of day.  I found this comment on Steve Quayle’s website that may place things into perspective from a “grass roots” level.  Obviously, it is written by a mother of someone in the service, probably the U.S. Army.  Here it is, along with its citation:

“Angel says:  Comment ID: 3722746    August 1, 2017 at 1:22 am

“Wanted to give a heads up that the upcoming fight with North Korea is very real.  My child is a Combat Engineer stationed at the DMZ currently and they are readying for a fight.  They are doing things in that area that haven’t been done in 50 years.  Such as clearing mine fields.  They are awaiting orders to attack.  Get prepared now if you’re not already.  I have someone on the front line and I can tell you it’s getting bad.”

Sometimes information from the average person will give you insights on things you will not hear in the mainstream media.  This woman’s comment is both simplistic and unsolicited, and anyone with more information who is in the area?  Your comments would be greatly appreciated.  Such comments can reveal (at least in part) what is taking place over there and is valuable, because there is no such thing as “grass roots” journalism anymore.  There are no more reporters to interview the “man on the street” or to cover things happening in foreign countries.  We must rely on what information we bring to one another and our wits to be able to recognize the valuable parts…pieces to the overall puzzle that present the big picture.

Let’s once more examine the “flip” side of things.  We have a President who has not been able to accomplish much, and thus far has been railroaded by Congress and members of his own political party every day since being sworn in.  His popularity ratings are falling, and the midterm election campaigning is right around the corner.  What is the solution?  Why, the same as it was for Bush Jr. back in 2003.  War.  War is the solution, either false flagged/orchestrated by the U.S., or allowed to be initiated by North Korea.  War is the vehicle to create a cohesive bond and gain the support of the populace: nothing new here with this method.

The cost, however, will be sustained by the population and not by those who initiated the conflict, whether North Koreans, Americans, or others.  The ones who initiate the hostilities will be safe in underground bunkers with food, water, medical supplies, and armed guards…funded by their “host” populations, who will be busily engaged in being vaporized and incinerated on the surface.  I close with the point that I have stood by all along, and exhort you to make the best possible choices and take actions for you and your family, while there’s still time to do so, in whatever way you can.  Now is the time to act, and not “one second after,” so to speak:

The next world war will be initiated by an EMP weapon detonated over the United States, followed by a nuclear exchange and a war between conventional forces.

Jeremiah Johnson is the Nom de plume of a retired Green Beret of the United States Army Special Forces (Airborne).  Mr. Johnson is also a Gunsmith, a Certified Master Herbalist, a Montana Master Food Preserver, and a graduate of the U.S. Army’s SERE school (Survival Evasion Resistance Escape).  He lives in a cabin in the mountains of Western Montana with his wife and three cats. You can follow Jeremiah’s regular writings at SHTFplan.com or contact him here.

This article may be republished or excerpted with proper attribution to the author and a link to www.SHTFplan.com.

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Contributed by Jeremiah Johnson of www.SHTFplan.com.

When it hits the fan, don’t say we didn’t warn you. Mac Slavo is the editor of SHTFplan.com, a resource hub for alternative news, contrarian commentary and strategies that you can take to protect yourself from the coming global paradigm shift.

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When it hits the fan, don't say we didn't warn you. Mac Slavo is the editor of SHTFplan.com, a resource hub for alternative news, contrarian commentary and strategies that you can take to protect yourself from the coming global paradigm shift.


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