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Caught on Video: Electroshock Torture Used Against Defendant in U.S. Courtroom to Silence His Defense Speech

What kind of world are we living in when a man defending himself in court is not only routinely interrupted by the judge but also jolted with 50,000 volts of electricity because he continued speaking?

Camps and Detainment

Caught on Video: Electroshock Torture Used Against Defendant in U.S. Courtroom to Silence His Defense Speech


What kind of world are we living in when a man defending himself in court is not only routinely interrupted by the judge but also jolted with 50,000 volts of electricity because he continued speaking?

It’s the world of Judge Robert Christopher Nalley who, in 2014, continually treated defendant Delvon King – who was in a Maryland court on gun charges – like a violent animal. Turns out, the violent animal was the judge, who ordered the court deputy to taser Nalley – to the point of making him scream in pain.

The video showing the despicable act by ruthless Nalley is enough to get your blood boiling while also making you also lose your faith in human decency and kindness. See for yourself how the judge keeps telling King, who is behaving peacefully the entire time, to stop talking. When he continues speaking, that’s when Nalley loses it and unleashes his harsh demand. The judge orders the court deputy to “use it” (the taser), at which point King instantly falls to the floor, screaming uncontrollably while remaining in a fetal position. King lets out a spine-tingling scream every few seconds as he tries to deal with the whopping 50,000 volts of electricity that just shocked his body.

Defendant shocked with 50,000 volts of electricity, then told to calm down… is this for real?

While King suffers in pain, the judge acts as though what just occurred is no big deal, telling everyone in court to take five minutes so King can “calm down.”

Calm down?

First of all, it’s Nalley and his I’m-above-the-law attitude that was in need of calming down. Secondly, King should have received more than a mere five minutes to recover from the judge’s violent order; the judge should have extended an apology directly to King as well. But most importantly, the judge should have been severely reprimanded for his below-the-belt, unnecessary action since such an order is only to be given in the event a person in court begins acting dangerously and an emergency situation unfolds.

The video clearly shows that the only dangerous behavior occurred when Nalley ordered King, who was wearing a shocker anklet, to be tortured with 50,000 volts of electricity.

Slap on wrist for judge who ordered electroshock torture

Sure, after pleading guilty, the judge was punished – if you can call it that. Had anyone else inflicted such violence on another person in the same manner Nalley did, they would have received jail time on top of hefty fines. But because Nalley is a judge, he can get away with ordering such acts of torture on citizens and walk away with a slap on the wrist.

Case in point: Initially, he was facing upwards of a year in jail and a fine that could have been as high as $100,000. But since he’s a judge, and since his order to the court deputy fell under the sanction of his place in government, his so-called punishment ended up being a measly $5,000 fine and having to attend anger management classes. No time in prison. Just a minor shame-on-you fine that reinforces how out of whack society’s preferences are for those in power.

This isn’t the first time Nalley has behaved in such a horrific manner in the courtroom.

In 2010, he lost his temper upon discovering that a cleaning woman’s car was parked in a restricted zone at the courthouse. His reaction? Why, deflate one of her tires, of course. Clearly, this isn’t the way anyone, let alone a judge, should behave. Nalley was fined, suspended for five days without pay and ordered to write an apology letter.

What’s happening in society when right is wrong and wrong is right? The backwards mentality that seems to afflict those in power needs to stop immediately, as does the minimal punishment they often receive for their sick and twisted wrongdoings.

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