Controlling the Herd

Washington Perfects The Art of Illusion: Keep America Focused on Boston Bombing While They Strip us of Rights and Prepare for War

What’s going on in Washington while all eyes are on the search for the Boston Bomber? Oh, the usual, taking away internet privacy, grabbing for guns, starting a war, and lining the pockets of politicians.

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“Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!”
L. Frank Baum, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

The bombing at the finish line of the Boston Marathon was a shocking act of terror. All over the world, people watched in horror as the bombs went off, as people staggered and fell, and in the aftermath, saw the gory bloodstained sidewalks and graphic photos of people missing limbs.

We don’t expect acts like this to occur in America. Although this is a regular occurrence in places like Iraq, where 55 people died, the victims of bombings that very same day, it seems to people in the insulated Western World that it is far more appalling when it occurs on American soil.

And with that shock value comes a tool kit for the powers that be.

A horrific act that has society reeling can serve multiple purposes. It can distract the people from manipulations that would generally cause backlash. It can make people plead for protection, which always means the taking away of another right. And finally, it can serve as a tool to propagandize a message and demonize the villain of the day.

This is not a debate about whether the bombing was a false flag or a legitimate act of terrorism. It’s not a comparison of the losses here versus those in a desert on the other side of the world. It isn’t about the ethnicity of the bomber, who might be getting set up as an unwitting patsy, or who is actually responsible for the bombing itself.

This is a notification: The people who pull the strings will use this horrific moment of violence to manipulate and control the American people.

Please save us, Police State!

One thing that the events like the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, the 9/11 hijackings, the Aurora theater shooting, and this most recent act of violence all have in common is the fear factor. The very randomness of these attacks makes them even more terrifying. You think that sending your child off to school, going to the movies, traveling by air to go visit family, going to work in a high-rise, or watching a race would be the most harmless of activities. Everyone does these things. These are not the types of risky behaviors that are fueled by vast quantities of alcohol. No one was behaving recklessly by going to watch Batman. Brutal acts of violence occurred during these ordinary activities, and this says, by sheer normalcy, that this could happen to you too.

Many people seek protection when they are afraid. And this is when the government steps in with something like a new gun control law or, after 9/11, the Patriot Act, all presented in a way to make us feel safer. But what is actually happening is a chiseling away of your God-given rights, all in the name of security and safety. People actually plead for their rights to be taken away. Who can forget NYC Mayor Bloomberg’s offensive “Demand a Plan” video response to the Sandy Hook shootings?

“Those who give up their liberty for more security neither deserve liberty nor security.”
~ Ben Franklin

Creating Monsters

Immediately after the Boston Marathon bomb, without any evidence whatsoever, the mainstream media and government mouthpieces began pointing the finger at the current bogeymen of choice, those who resist the establishment. Any patriotic believer in the Constitution was fair game for speculation.

Phrases like “right-wing extremists”, “homegrown terror”, “so-called Patriots”, “Tea Party”, “anti-tax protesters”, and “anti-government groups” were bandied about as the likely culprits. Without one shred of evidence, a bulls-eye was immediately painted on those who love God, liberty, and the founding principles of the country.

Don’t be surprised if an unwitting patsy is wheeled forth by the media – he’ll be white, own an AK-47, fly a Gadsden flag, and carry a well-thumbed pocket copy of the Constitution. Why? Because this culprit will fit the agenda of making those who resist the unconstitutional activities of the government look like crazed killers, terrifying lunatics, and all-around dangers to society. The message is this: “Is your next door neighbor a prepper or a constitutionalist? Look out, because the next thing you know, he’ll blow you up too – you’d better report him, or at the very least keep your eye on him!”

The Art of Distraction

When someone is performing a magic trick and they make wide flourishing gestures, it’s often to distract the audience from the sleight-of-hand needed to produce the illusion.

This is the big Kahuna of benefits to a crisis for the Powers That Be. Mayor Rahm Emmanuel, President Obama’s ally in Chicago, famously said, “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste, and what I mean by that is it’s an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before.”

It’s very clear that whatever the source of this crisis, Washington has no intention of letting the Boston Marathon bombing go to waste.

There are several things going on in Washington that would be much more easily accepted if they’re just quietly slipped in. Washington doesn’t want an uproar from outraged citizens. The politicians that run things have a penchant for sneaky maneuvers.

1.)  For example, did you know that late Monday, incidentally, the day of the Marathon, Obama signed into law making it easier for members of Congress and their staffers to engage in insider trading? There’s a reason that most politicians are rich, and it’s not generally because they’re just lucky. According to “On the Money“, The Hill’s economy and finance blog:

President Obama quietly signed legislation Monday that rolled back a provision of the STOCK Act that required high-ranking federal employees to disclose their financial information online.

The White House announced Monday that the president had signed S. 716, which repealed a requirement of the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge (STOCK) Act requiring the disclosure, which had previously been delayed several times by Congress.

That provision, added to the bipartisan bill aimed at halting insider trading by members of Congress, would have required roughly 28,000 senior government officials to post their financial information online, and had come under harsh criticism from federal government employee unions.

Both chambers of Congress quickly — and near silently — approved the repeal legislation at the end of last week by unanimous consent, just before heading home to their districts.

But wait – there’s more.

2.)  Today, just about the time it was announced that a suspect was in custody – but then it was announced that there was not a suspect in custody – but then it was announced that there were photos of a suspect – in the midst of the confusion, while people were busy Googling whether or not there was actually even a suspect…

…shhh…the US Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee very quietly and with little ado, adopted “Senate Resolution 65,” by “which the US will support Israel in case it is compelled to take military action and actualize its right to self defense in the face of an Iranian threat…The resolution stipulates that Israel will enjoy Washington’s diplomatic, economic and military aid.” (source)

3.)  Add to this a crucial vote on the “Safe Communities, Safe Schools Act of 2013“, an innocuous sounding bill that was narrowly defeated in Congress today by a mere 6 votes. This was “a bill to ensure that all individuals who should be prohibited from buying a firearm are listed in the national instant criminal background check system and require a background check for every firearm sale, and for other purposes.”

An irate Obama made a statement amidst tearful families of the Sandy Hook shooting, calling this a “shameful day for Washington”.

“Do we really think that thousands of families whose lives have been shattered by gun violence don’t have a right to weigh in on this issue? Do we think their — their emotions, their loss is not relevant to this debate?” Obama asked.

The president vowed “this effort is not over” and urged Americans to voice their opposition to inaction.

“I see this as just round one,” he said. “I believe we’re going to be able to get this one. Sooner or later we are going to get this right. The memories of these children demand it, and so do the American people.” (source)

4.)  And finally, don’t forget CISPA, the vote on which was scheduled to be held today but has been postponed until tomorrow. Perhaps to muffle the cries of outrage from internet users across the country, a bomber will be duly produced. Since Washington has been unable to pass SOPA or PIPA, their desire to troll the internet and rummage through your email is back with CISPA. “CISPA will allow private sector firms to search personal and sensitive user data of ordinary U.S. residents to identify this so-called “threat information”, and to then share that information with each other and the US government — without the need for a court-ordered warrant.” (source) Today, amendments to CISPA that would have protected the privacy of internet users were defeated, and the bill, in all it’s nosy, Big Brother glory, will go before the House for a vote tomorrow.

So, as they said in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain”.

Don’t be distracted by the theatrics. Don’t be manipulated by fear. Don’t let the media tell you how to think or who is scary. If your attention is directed to one place, be sure to pay attention to everything else. Watch carefully how this proceeds, because this is a blueprint used by manipulative governments around the world – and you can learn from it. After you see the truth you will never watch the mainstream news the same way again.

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