Controlling the Herd

The Stand – The Government Testing of the Will of American Patriots

The ongoing Bundy Ranch controversy is a test, and we’re the ones being tested.

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By Steve Deace

The ongoing Bundy Ranch controversy is a test, and we’re the ones being tested.

Never before in human history have a people just voluntarily laid down their liberty and property without bloodshed. The statists know this, which is why they’ve spent the last generation investing heavily in conquering media, academia, and pop culture. They’re hoping those influential platforms can condition us to become so numbed out and dumbed down that we won’t even notice when our liberty is gone. Or that by the time we do it will be too late.

Bundy Ranch is a test case to see if their plans have sufficiently silenced us or not, because in this day and age of alternative media and viral marketing they can’t rely on mainstream media to spin another Waco or Randy Weaver story for them. Especially since the Bundy family are more sympathetic figures than either of those two stories were back then, and the country has become much less trusting of government than it was back then as well.

The statists want to see if there’s still enough of us willing to stand up to them if they try and apply their boot to our throat. In Nevada over the weekend they didn’t get the answer they were hoping for, obviously, so they have decided to stand down. Translation: they’ll wait us out until we’re bored with the story and moved on to something else, and that’s when the hammer will drop. So expect another “coming out” party for a pro athlete or a celebrity sex scandal soon to replenish the Idiocracy.

No, I’m not saying they plant these stories or make them up for the purposes of distracting us, because that would be giving these people way too much credit. If they were capable of such subterfuge, they would’ve given us an Obamacare website that worked. But I am saying they will attach themselves to one of these stories once they occur in order to distract us from what’s really going on.

Case in point: Google “Russia Ukraine” and about 1.46 million results show up. Google “Miley Cyrus twerking” and over 30 million do. Like any good drug dealer would, they have conditioned us to prefer what’s bad for us, and then they dutifully supply it to us in bulk once it becomes available.

The Bundy Ranch showdown is a shot across our bow; as were the “Barry-cades” during the government slim down last fall; as was the Toomey-Manchin gun grab last year; as are a lot of the things you’re seeing in the news these days.

See, the statists are growing impatient.

They know the failures of their statist champion in the White House threatens to kill their chances in 2014, and perhaps even 2016. They can see their overreaches have resulted in a backlash from the American people. More and more families are opting out of their government indoctrination centers masquerading as schools. Faith and values-driven entertainment is re-asserting itself at the box office. Perhaps the best organized political demographic in the emerging generation are anti-statist libertarians.

Regardless of their false bravado, the statists are concerned their window of opportunity may be closing here. Despite a record number of anti-constitutional actions from the current regime in the White House, they still haven’t been able to disarm us or impose the blanket amnesty for illegals they were counting on, either. Previously harmless groups like Hobby Lobby and the Little Sisters of the Poor are hitting them back in the courts and the court of public opinion.

It appears the only people left in America still afraid of these statists all happen to be running the Republican Party.

Thus, they must up the ante, like they recently tried at Bundy Ranch. But not only did they run into an ornery cattle rancher, they also stirred up a hornet’s nest of peeved patriots from around the country that have had their Howard Beale moment. They’re mad as Hell, and they’re not going to take it anymore.

However, it won’t stop here.

The statists have only been able to make the gains they’ve made because our complacency allowed it. As Glenn Beck has said, these statists are really just “patient communists.” They will keep coming and coming; awaiting the day that when they poke and prod us we finally lack the willpower to respond accordingly. Unless we display the same consistency and courage of conviction we cannot defeat them.

This is what Thomas Jefferson meant when he said “eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.”


Pick up Steve’s new book “Rules for Patriots: How Conservatives Can Win Again.”

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