Economy and Finance

Obama, Benghazi, the Economy & November 6

America still has people who will support Obama, even in light of what took place in Benghazi, not because he does a good job, but just because they like him! Now that is totally insane, but it is the way our nation has fallen and with Obama at the helm, it will continue to become a nation of fools led by an “Empty Chair!”

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Many would state that we are very biased against Obama. Well, if one just looks at what we write alone and they do not look at the facts they would be inclined to think so, but the truth is that Obama is perhaps the worst President of all time, even worse than jimmy Carter. The huge problem here is that Obama has what Jimmy Carter did not have, a lame stream news media that is too chicken and cowardly to ask the important questions about Benghazi, the economy, and all the firsts that he has achieved.

We begin with Benghazi, a truly disaster of epic proportions! Obama not only dropped the ball on this, but he stood by and allowed the enemy to score a touchdown.

CNS News reports,

“President Barack Obama met with Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Vice President Joe Biden at the White House on Sept. 11, 2012 at 5:00 PM—just 55 minutes after the State Department notified the White House and the Pentagon that the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi was under attack.”

Obama knew of this attack while it was going on and allowed the 4 men to be exploited by the terrorists during the attack! President Obama himself kept the lie going when he went before the United Nations and stated that it was due to a video, even though he knew full well that it was purely a terrorist attack! How could a man who is supposed to be a world leader stand before the world and give such a huge lie when he knew what he was stating was totally false? Yes, more questions and no answers! But what does one believe when an “Empty chair” is leading the United States? Obama is much more interested in another 4 years to fulfill his dream of destroying the United States with the help of his friends! If you do not believe that, just look back at his time while at Occidental College where he was totally in touch and holding the ideology of Karl Marx, that one has to have a revolution in order to change the course of a nation. Remember, Obama used “Hope and CHANGE” as his campaign ideas in 2008. But Obama’s change is nothing like what the people of this nation had believed in prior to Obama taking office.

“Secretary Panetta met with President Obama, as the White House-provided scheduled indicates,” Lt. Col. Todd Breasseale, a Defense Department spokesman, told on Tuesday. “However, neither the content nor the subject of discussions between the President and his advisors are appropriate for disclosure.”

Could this be a cover-up? Senator McCain has called the White House’s handing of Benghazi, “An action greater than Water Gate and no one died in Watergate!” Why is Obama not giving answers? Is it because the answers he gives do not relate to a video and actually show very clearly that the September 11, 2012 attack was done by terrorists and not due to a stupid video that few had actually seen when Benghazi was attacked? What is Obama hiding now? Why is he hiding the facts?

CNS News continued:

“The fact that the president had been scheduled to meet with Vice President Biden and Defense Secretary Panetta at 5:00 p.m. on Sept. 11 had been publicized in the Washington Daybook–a planning service to which news organizations subscribe–and included on the official White House schedule posted online by the White House itself.

The State Department email notifying the White House and Pentagon of the Sept. 11 Benghazi attack was obtained by CBS News and reported by Sharyl Attkisson on Oct. 23, almost six weeks after the attack.

The terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi began at about 9:40 p.m. Benghazi time—or about 3:40 p.m. Washington, D.C. time. “The attack began at approximately 9:40 p.m. local time,” Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Charlene Lamb told the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee in written testimony submitted Oct. 10.

About 25 minutes after the attack started—at 4:05 p.m. Washington, D.C. time—the State Department sent an email that went to multiple recipients, including two at the White House and one at the Pentagon.

The subject line on this email said: “U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi Under Attack.” The text of the email said: “The Regional Security Officer reports the diplomatic mission is under attack. Embassy Tripoli reports approximately 20 armed people fired shots; explosions have been heard as well. Ambassador Stevens, who is currently in Benghazi, and our COM personnel are in the compound safe haven.” It went on to say: “The Operations Center will provide updates as available.”

Here one must ask why action was not taken, especially since Obama and his entire staff knew that the situation in Benghazi was bad and the English had to be helped out of an attack earlier. There are so many questions and so very few if any answers about the reasons why Obama seems to have allowed 4 men to go to their deaths! Obama does not wish to answer this because if he does it will show just how incompetent he really is! It will show the cover-up by his administration, which is greater than the Nixon Water Gate scandal because 4 lives were lost due to a President not doing his job, but rather going out and campaigning.

Before I list several things that Obama has done to become the first President to ever do, let me show you just a few of his total failures.

  • Stimulus Plan: EPIC FAIL
  • Cash for Clunkers: EPIC FAIL
  • QE1 and QE2: EPIC FAILS
  • ObamaCare: CATASTROPHIC FAIL; BROKE before it even starts
  • Redistribution of wealth: MONUMENTAL EPIC FAIL
  • Balanced Budget: FAILURE to launch (nothing, still four years later)
  • Unemployment: FAILURE to rise (four years ago he promised it would be under 6% at the end of his term. Guess what? It’s been over 8 percent for more than 40 straight months now.)
  • Private Sector Job Growth: still 4.3 million below the January 2008 peak. Oh wait, yeah but the “private sector is doing fine.” The man’s clearly still on drugs.
  • Spending in Washington? Continues to hemorrhage! $5 TRILLION in new debt during Obama’s reign of terror.
  • Since 2008 a staggering 3.6 million Americans have been added to Social Security’s disability insurance program. Coincidence? NOT. It’s just a way for the administration to hide REAL unemployment numbers.

Nearly 100 million individuals received a welfare benefit in 2011—mainly food stamps or Medicaid, because there are no jobs! To make matters worse, now Obama tells them they don’t have to even prove they are looking for work.

Then there are all those roads and bridges and massive infrastructure he was going to build. Big fat fail.

Here is what Obama has achieved as being the very first President to ever do! Remember these are all first time actions or historic Firsts for any president since George Washington!

Obama is the First President to:

-Have a Social Security number from a State he never lived in

-Have 22 personal servants (taxpayer funded) for his wife

-Have kept a dog trainer on retainer for $102,00 a year on the taxpayer expense

-To violate the War Powers Act –with Libya where Benghazi is

-To be held in contempt of court for illegally obstructing oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico (Remember, Obama is supposed to be for the poor people, but this hurt the very people he is supposed to help!)

-To terminate the United States ability to send our men into space

-To have a law signed by an autopen when he, Obama, was not present

-To arbitrarily declare an existing law unconstitutional and refuse to enforce it. (DOMA)

-To fire an inspector general for catching one of the President’s friends in a corruption case.

-To play golf instead of attending to the needs of the nation, (some 109 times to date).

-To go on multiple apology tours.

-To withdraw existing coal permits that had been properly issued years before he got into office!

There are many more firsts from President Obama (which you can read here, herehere and here).

America still has people who will support Obama, even in light of what took place in Benghazi, not because he does a good job, but just because they like him! Now that is totally insane, but it is the way our nation has fallen and with Obama at the helm, it will continue to become a nation of fools led by an “Empty Chair!” If you like being as close to slaves as possible than you will vote for Obama and his ideology of “government run everything,” which has destroyed nations time and time again!

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