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How North Korea and the Obama Regime Both Use the Same Mind Control Techniques Against Their Citizens (Video)

I’ve just released an eye-opening new video that details how U.S. government propaganda under Obama parallels the socially-reinforced mind control tactics used in North Korea, a radical left-wing dictatorship rooted in the cult worship of its leader.

Controlling the Herd

How North Korea and the Obama Regime Both Use the Same Mind Control Techniques Against Their Citizens (Video)

north korea wikimedia

by Mike Adams

I’ve just released an eye-opening new video that details how U.S. government propaganda under Obama parallels the socially-reinforced mind control tactics used in North Korea, a radical left-wing dictatorship rooted in the cult worship of its leader.

Barack Obama is simply a more polite rendition of the same social control tyranny used by Kim Jong-Un. Angela Merkel, in many ways, invokes the same tactics of disinformation and linguistic social control, deliberately lying to the people of Germany in order to control them while the country is systematically destroyed to appease globalist interests.

As I also state in the video, most Americans would be obedient Kim Jong-Un worshipers if they had grown up in North Korea. The vast majority of individuals in western society today falsely believe they are independent thinkers, but that’s only because they’ve been indoctrinated under a system of mind control that’s very good at pretending to be based on “freedom.”

Watch the full video to see for yourself. (This video was recorded before the Nov. 8 Trump election victory, which provides a least some glimmer of hope that the globalist agenda might be slowed.)

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The NaturalNews Network is a non-profit collection of public education websites covering topics that empower individuals to make positive changes in their health, environmental sensitivity, consumer choices and informed skepticism. The NaturalNews Network operates without a profit incentive, and its key writer, Mike Adams, receives absolutely no payment for his time, articles or books. The NaturalNews Network is not for sale, and does not accept money to cover any story (or to spike it). NaturalNews Network is what the news industry used to be, before it sold out to big business.


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