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Health Freedom Advocate Michael Snyder Is Running For Congress – Interviewed By The Health Ranger

Michael Snyder needs your support and has a REAL shot at winning this race, which would send a pro-liberty, pro-health freedom advocate to Washington D.C. to fight for our individual rights.

Editor's Choice

Health Freedom Advocate Michael Snyder Is Running For Congress – Interviewed By The Health Ranger


Health freedom advocate Michael Snyder is running for Congress. Here, he’s interviewed by the Health Ranger, editor of Natural News, trailblazers of health freedom, food freedom and medical freedom.

Michael Snyder needs your support and has a REAL shot at winning this race, which would send a pro-liberty, pro-health freedom advocate to Washington D.C. to fight for our individual rights.

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Contributed by Mike Adams of NaturalNews.com.

The NaturalNews Network is a non-profit collection of public education websites covering topics that empower individuals to make positive changes in their health, environmental sensitivity, consumer choices and informed skepticism. The NaturalNews Network operates without a profit incentive, and its key writer, Mike Adams, receives absolutely no payment for his time, articles or books. The NaturalNews Network is not for sale, and does not accept money to cover any story (or to spike it). NaturalNews Network is what the news industry used to be, before it sold out to big business.

The NaturalNews Network is a non-profit collection of public education websites covering topics that empower individuals to make positive changes in their health, environmental sensitivity, consumer choices and informed skepticism. The NaturalNews Network operates without a profit incentive, and its key writer, Mike Adams, receives absolutely no payment for his time, articles or books. The NaturalNews Network is not for sale, and does not accept money to cover any story (or to spike it). NaturalNews Network is what the news industry used to be, before it sold out to big business.


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