Controlling the Herd

Global green Luciferian government

These phonies talk all day about pseudo-environmentalism, but never speak out about real environmental concerns like fluoride in water, vaccines, chemtrail spraying, GMO foods and animals, and mass depopulation! Is it because they have conceded to Global Green Luciferian Government?

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Dr John P. Holdren

Arguably the central concern of those favoring a corporate global centralized government (along with technology and energy) is the issue the climate and environment.

Both the environment and climate relate closely to energy, as some aspect of the environment will be the source of energy.  Whether it’s food or petroleum, all life revolves around energy and its control.  As I’ve written before, human action itself is also energetic, thus the idea of full spectrum dominance must naturally focus on the control of human energy and the natural resources that surround humanity.  Consider this ridiculous MTV ad that threatens some kind of amorphous doom if nothing is done in 36 days?

To the average reader and so-called academic, the indoctrination given from public education and higher academia is that the modern world has accidentally put itself in a bind due to limited resources and overpopulation. The university system almost universally propagates the dogmatic worldview of limited energy and resources and overpopulation that will inevitably lead to our catastrophe as a “civilization.” So the mythological narrative goes, unless immediate actions are taken to halt production, local market capitalism, biofuels and carbon emissions, the earth is teetering on the ledge of apocalypse, while human life is doomed.

As a child of the 80s, I recall seeing endless news stories and warnings about “pollution” and “overconsumption” that would lead to the loss of all rain forests and the death of all the whales.The culprit: too many humans and too many automobiles. Yet here we are in the next millennia, and no one talks about the whales or the rain forests. Yet we were supposed to all be dead when those disappeared, because a huge hole would open up in the ozone layer, and we’d all be fried.

Club of Rome propaganda. The same phony cataclysmic predictions con men always use.

The reality: none of this is true.  While it is true that there are plenty of examples of real pollution and real environmental dangers, these are purposefully ignored, while the faux environmental “calamities” are hyped up day and day out, with hundreds of think tanks churning out endless white papers on global cooling, er, global warming, er climate change.

What these names changes clearly suggest is the not-so-clever work of PR firms to repackage the mythology according to the ever-changing flux of public opinion.  Since evidence began to emerge of that the earth was not headed for an ice age as Paul Ehrlich screamed, the new advertising campaign for the 90s became “global warming.”  Then, as it emerged that “scientists” were altering their data to fit the models the international corporations like BP wanted, it became “climate change.”  Why it became climate change will be evident in a moment.  More recently, emails have been exposed that the sources of the funding for IPCC are precisely the entities that want to promote socialism, depopulation and deindustrialization.  Forbes reports of the emails:

“Any work we have done in the past is done on the back of the research grants we get – and has to be well hidden,” Jones writes in another newly released email. “I’ve discussed this with the main funder (U.S. Dept of Energy) in the past and they are happy about not releasing the original station data.”

“The trick may be to decide on the main message and use that to guid[e] what’s included and what is left out” of IPCC reports, writes Jonathan Overpeck, coordinating lead author for the IPCC’s most recent climate assessment.  “I gave up on [Georgia Institute of Technology climate professor] Judith Curry a while ago. I don’t know what she thinks she’s doing, but its not helping the cause,” wrote Mann in another newly released email.

“I have been talking w/ folks in the states about finding an investigative journalist to investigate and expose” skeptical scientist Steve McIntyre, Mann writes in another newly released email.”

Suffice to say, everyone has been indoctrinated into this cult now, regardless of whether you wanted to or not.  It has nothing to do with science, and everything to do with an elite ideology of   Environmental dogmatism has, with techno utopia, become the second half of the new gospel of the new world order.  Again, the reality is, this is all utter and total bullshit.  It’s not bullshit that there are environmental dangers and catastrophes.  It is bullshit that these dangers and catastrophes are what BP, the UN, Bill Gates and MSNBC say they are.  On the contrary, those entities have no concern for the environment, much less your life, and if they did, they would not support with berserk fervor every possible program designed to end your life.

Contrary to the popular myth, the mega corporations do not fund “anti-global warming/climate denial,” in fact, they are some of the chief promoters of climate change propaganda.  As researcher Paul Joseph Watson wrote in 2009, it is ExxonMobil that supports the global carbon tax:

According to Exxon Mobil chief executive Rex Tillerson, the cap and trade nightmare being primed for passage in the Senate doesn’t go far enough – Tillerson wants a direct tax on carbon dioxide emissions, essentially a tax on breathing since we all exhale this life-giving gas.  In a speech last month, Tillerson brazenly called out the cap and trade agenda for what it was, an effort to impose a carbon tax camouflaged only by a slick sales pitch and deceptive rhetoric.

“It is easier and more politically expedient to support a cap-and-trade approach, because the public will never figure out where it is hitting them,” said Tillerson. “They will just know they hurt somewhere in their pocketbook,” he added, pointing out that he disagreed with this convoluted method of introducing a carbon tax, arguing instead that it would be more successful to openly propose a straight carbon tax.  Tillerson firmly expressed Exxon’s support for climate change alarmists in stating, “I firmly believe it is not too late for Congress to consider a carbon tax as the better policy approach for addressing the risks of climate change.”

The origins of the environmental cult come from Rockefeller founded and European think tanks like the Club of Rome.  The Club of Rome’s 1991 The First Global Revolution is based on the older 1972 publication, Limits to Growth, promoting the end of industrialization and “sustainability.”  However, the glaring admission on page 75 is that the invented “green” revolution was engineered by corporate fiat.  It states:

“The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.”

This paragraph really says it all.  The agenda is invented, and it is invented with the clear intention of being anti-human.  It also shows that supposed “leftist” environmental movement is in fact created, engineered and funded by international multi-trillionaire interests, like David Rockefeller.

The reason major international capitalists would promote and fund socialism and environmentalism has nothing to do with the environment, and everything to do with shutting down any competition.  Shutting down all competition then leads to the long-term goal of mass depopulation.  While depopulation may sound appealing to the so-called academic “elite,” the reality is, the goal is the elimination of humanity, period.  From the ashes of a dead man will emerge the new man, the techno socialist elite that merge with the robots.  This false dialectic is why a “Marxist” like Gorbachev sits on the same panel of “Earth Charter” propaganda that “capitalist” Rockefellers promote.

The entire goal of the environmental cult is also geared towards a new, invented religion of environmentalism where “Gaia,” or mother earth becomes the immanentist goal of human worship.

This worship of the creation, though, is classic paganism.  Classic paganism has the dulling effect of the loss of human reason and subordination to superstition and fear which is not surprising, given that the entire environmentalist cult is based on an engineered fake revolution of corporate bureaucrats in think tanks.

The trendy hipsters that obsess over environmentalism and celebrate their new holy days like “Earth Day” are merely the brainwashed tools of corporate elites, themselves the tools of even higher elites who desire mass genocide.   As the western world continues to give sway to this phony religion of think tank skullduggery, things will only worsen as families cease to exist, industry and economies collapse, culture disintegrates, and even religious leaders themselves compromise and buy into the environmental brainwashing, as both the Pope of Rome and the Ecumenical Patriarch have done.

These phonies talk all day about pseudo-environmentalism, but never speak out about real environmental concerns like fluoride in water, vaccines, chemtrail spraying, GMO foods and animals, and mass depopulation!  Is it because they have conceded to Global Green Luciferian Government?

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