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Blue wave fizzles… Republicans keep the Senate; celebrity Democrat candidates in near-universal failure

No blue wave. More like blue hallucinations and propaganda.

Controlling the Herd

Blue wave fizzles… Republicans keep the Senate; celebrity Democrat candidates in near-universal failure

Huge points from the mid-term elections that took place tonight:

  • Republicans not only defended their majority in the U.S. Senate; they flipped several seats to the GOP and expanded their Senate majority.
  • This matters because the U.S. Senate confirms all judicial and Supreme Court appointments.
  • Democrats have seized control of the House of Representatives, buoyed by two years of extreme censorship by the tech giants and a never-ending wave of fake news from the left-wing media.
  • This matters because it gives Democrats subpoena power to investigate the Trump administration and initiate impeachment proceedings. However, as the deep state has proven over the last two years, subpoenas from the House can simply be ignored by everyone because the House has no power to make arrests or initiate DOJ prosecutions.
  • All the Democrat “superstar” candidates such as Beto and Gillum went down in flames, burning through $100+ million in Democrat cash that had poured into local elections from across the country.
  • Other big losers tonight are the Hollywood celebrities who resorted to stripping naked to beg for Democrat votes. The ploy was widely rejected, for good reason.
  • There were widespread reports of fraudulent voting from Democrats, with non-citizens being openly encouraged to vote across Texas, as revealed in a late-dropping Project Veritas video that should spur Texas Attorney General investigations.

Bottom line? Democrats will run the House for two years, beginning January of 2019. This will actually prime the American people to come out in droves and vote against the left-wing lunacy in 2020, when President Trump will be back on the ticket. Events are lining up right now for a sweeping GOP victory in 2020.

Bottom line? No blue wave. More like blue hallucinations and propaganda.

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The NaturalNews Network is a non-profit collection of public education websites covering topics that empower individuals to make positive changes in their health, environmental sensitivity, consumer choices and informed skepticism. The NaturalNews Network operates without a profit incentive, and its key writer, Mike Adams, receives absolutely no payment for his time, articles or books. The NaturalNews Network is not for sale, and does not accept money to cover any story (or to spike it). NaturalNews Network is what the news industry used to be, before it sold out to big business.

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