Controlling the Herd

Big Oil has our Best Interests at Heart

Five dollar a gallon gas may be coming to every state in the union. And what is the excuse this time? Well I’m afraid we are back to supply and demand again as another refinery has burned to the ground.

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by Henry Shivley

Five dollar a gallon gas may be coming to every state in the union.  And what is the excuse this time?  Well I’m afraid we are back to supply and demand again as another refinery has burned to the ground.  Tell me this.  If your average person owned three houses worth $100,000 a piece and two of them burned down and then it was revealed that there was a million dollars worth of insurance on each house, do you think someone might be looking into the possibility that those houses just might have been burned down for profit?

There has been a glut a crude oil on the market for the past year and in spite of this fact the oil companies have been trying to tell us that the reason our gas prices are through the roof is because we will not let them drill baby drill.  When we pointed out the glut of crude, the refineries started going up in flames.

If it costs $100 million to build a refinery and $2 billion can be made in burning one to theground, do you think they might?……Oh no, what am I thinking?  These oil barons wouldn’t do that.  Hell, they are the salt of the earth.

What is really interesting is that these burned down refineries are now being used for an excuse to drill baby drill, or in short, produce more crude that we do not have the refineries to facilitate.  Hey, I know what.  The oil companies can start building refineries in China where the air is so polluted and the oxygen so depleted that the refineries can’tburn.  Then we can just start shipping our crude to China to be refined.

Refineries have been shutting down across our country for the past three years.  I believe the plan is to make our crude oil just another exported raw resource to be manufactured using slave labor in China.

But wait a minute, there I go again.  I keep forgetting these are good Christian oil barons that only have the best interests of we the people of the United States at heart.  They are beyond reproach.

Okay, I’m going to go puke now.

God bless the Republic, death to the international corporate mafia, we shall prevail.

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