Controlling the Herd

Agenda 21: Opening Its Arms and Welcoming the Climate Change Mob and the ‘Greenies’

The climate change agenda, the green agenda and Agenda 21 are slowly morphing into one and the aim is so obvious…depopulation.

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United Nations climate talks are currently being held in Poland. At the same time, the Polish government is hosting a coal industry meeting, something the ‘Greenies’ and their climate change buddies are very unhappy about. They feel Poland is far more committed to the use of coal than it is to preventing further climate change.

I see it somewhat differently. The Polish government has been honest. As a nation they have admitted that coal plays a vital part in keeping the lights on and keeping their people warm. They have admitted that it will continue to do so for many decades to come.

The United Nations, that insidious group that proclaims half the global population should freeze to death in order that the other half can live happily ever after, should be disbanded.

They sit there in their decidedly environmentally unfriendly offices, adjusting the heating and air conditioning to suit their needs, while condemning private citizens that do the same.

They issue their environmentally friendly diktats without a thought for those who have no choice but to use coal, or oil, or wood.

The climate change agenda, the green agenda and Agenda 21 are slowly morphing into one, and the aim is so obvious…depopulation. We have to stop trashing the planet, we have to stop the planet from getting hotter, we have to reduce the population of the planet…it’s getting more and more difficult to see these entities as distinct bodies.

I’m not stupid, though to be fair some people may disagree with me on that. I, like most of you know for a fact that if the population keeps growing and the resources keep getting used then one day they will be gone. They will be there again in a few million years when more coal and oil has formed, but on a human timescale they will be gone.

I know, like most of you do, that we have to develop alternative energy strategies for the long term to enable us to keep the lights on, and our homes warm.

I know, like most of you do, we have to find new ways of feeding the rising population solid nutritious food.

What I also know, like most of you do, is that condemning half the population of the planet to death by freezing is not an option.

I applaud Poland’s honesty in standing up to these people and telling them straight out that this is what’s happening, and this is what’s going to continue happening for the foreseeable future.

It would be interesting to know how many of those who support a ban on fossil fuel usage earn enough money to live in eco homes, to have fully functioning solar and PV set ups.

Better still, I’d like to know how many of these people don’t have solar, PV and other renewables. I wonder how many of them are grid connected and relient, how many have air conditioning and inefficient boilers?

I suspect this is just another example of do as I say and not as I do.

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